Make A Change

"How can I start to make a change?"

Changing the way you operate on a daily basis is never something that seems intriguing. However, the smallest amount of change can make the largest difference in this world when it comes to impacting the environment in a positive way!

A few suggestions:

Think about how often you have a beverage within the time period of waking up, to going to bed. In the morning you may stop at your local coffee-shop, and at lunch you may make your way to a local fast food restaurant for a drink during your daily commute. Whatever you consume, and wherever you consume it, food chains often offer their products in 100% recyclable containers. Take time to consider recycling the coffee-cup witch played host to your mocha frappe earlier in the morning; you may even find yourself drinking from part of the same cup the next time you stop in.

If you work in any kind of office environment, the use of computers hasn't stopped the inevitable flow of paper-type supplies that make their way through your business. The saying may be cliche and overused, but recycling what isn't of importance or use to you any longer can be one of the main factors that help shape the way we impact our environment, and the process is just as simple as throwing something away. You have to do it anyway, don't you? Just throw it in the recycling bin, and you can say you've effectively made a change!

Although less practical than the previous, consider when you fill-up your tank the next time you stop at your local gas station to fill it up by only a few gallons instead of until you reach a full tank. Let's consider the benefits; Filling your tank up by only a few gallons can still give you upwards of 50+ miles to put on your odometer, and will save you some cash in the moment as well. The less gas consumed per costumer at an establishment can reduce the amount of times suppliers have to refill that locations reserve of natural gas. Although effectively this won't lead to an elimination of complete depletion, it certainly will prolong the time it takes for gas to be depleted on our planet. So simply by filling your car up less, you're contributing to the supply of natural gas for future generations!

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